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lol this will make u piss ur panst laughing!, Dash at his finest
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Posted:Nov 9 2002, 10:58 AM
One day....I saw a friend that I hadnt seen in EVERS...we were talking for a bit...standing in outside my car..when all of a sudden my stomach started gurgling...so I was like...."DUDE....I GOTTA GO....I GOTTA TAKE A SH!T lol".....so he was like....lol Aight...later Man..."But YO.....First I gotta tell you this story"....so i thought...ahh allright....so im listening...and like i could feel it getting worse...and i was like...."DUDE I GOTTA GO"...so i dipped in my car....peeled out acrossed the street...got out...Ran Into a Dairy Queen and was like "WHERRRRRES YOUR BATHROOM?"....
and this girl was like...."WE DONT HAVE ONE?"....so i screamed...BULLSH!T "WHERE DO YOU PEE?"......and then i realized I had people looking at me...so i ran outside...hopped in car...peeled out....my friend is standing on the other side of the road like so i peel out and he's like?OK? so i take off and figure i can make it home...it was like 10 miles to my house...at EVERY RED LIGHT I WAS LIKE i could just feel the diareeha just waiting to explode...lol....and then....it did.....have you ever Sh1t your pants in your car before?it isnt fun...im just glad it was my Hyundai Scoupe(Turbo)....so i see this kid again like 3 weeks later and he's like....what happened that day?so i told him....and just when i told him...3 girls that he knew walked up and he was like "Yo....You Sh1tted on your NUTZ HUH?".....lol...
its all good though.............lol

this is the greatest classic ever!! Thanks to my good buddy dash! It was dash who crapped his pants by the way


~VanCity Invader Style~ I4 powered and im still running with the big dogs!
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Posted:Nov 9 2002, 11:00 AM
ALLright so here it is... It happened a few years ago...like 4 now...I was living in Houston....my first story happened when i was living in NY...i was like 18 at the time?...so anyways..Im living in Houston....i lived off the I-10 and beltway 8w for anyone who knows...near the 59 s...so anyways..i had this girlfriend....she was cool as hell...i could tell her anything...so one of the thigns we discussed was most embarassing moments stories...she told me her Period in the Pool story....and i retorted with my...One time I Sh!t my pants story....lol.....I HAD HER BEAT....needless to say...there wasnt much sex for the next week or so lol.....she had to manually erasethat mental picture before continuing with sweeet lovins....lol...so anyways...she lived pretty close to me..about 10 minutes away...but her family decided to pack up and move NORTH to an area known as GREENSPOINT...which is up the 45n...about 50 miles from where i was....making me seeing her very difficult to juggle in between work,school,and working on my THEN Heavily Modded 89 CRX...which was always breaking down......lol....so one day she's completely intent on me going up to see her....I felt HORRIBLE...sick to my stomach...i had the flue...the night before i had been out drinking.....for breakfast i had eaten a leftover Chicken Finger Sub with Hot Sauce and Blue Cheese....i felt like crap when i woke up so i had a few beers to take the edge off.....

theres more to.....

~VanCity Invader Style~ I4 powered and im still running with the big dogs!
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Posted:Nov 9 2002, 11:00 AM
so i had had a few beers...i started to feel better....she asked me to drive up to Greenspoint...i figured what the hell...i'll go up in a little bit...so im driving up there...I decided to take the toll road...since its a little faster....those of you in Houston know once you get on the Sam Houston Toll Road...your on it untill you can get off.........so im driving...all of a sudden....Damn my stomach hurts...RUMBLE RUMBLE....fart fart...lol...ahh that felt better....."OH NO IT DIDNT"...lol....so im like..here we go again...lol
i felt fine.....only 20 miutes untill i get to her house...im all good...
i step on it...drive a lil faster....turn on some music....open the window....take my mind of my stomach....VOILA....im fine all the way to her house......untill im pulling up to her house.....OUCH...I have to Sh!t something fierce....i run up to her house..knock on the door.....NO ANSWER....door is locked...there is an envelope on the door with Writing...."WE WENT TO THE MALL.....SORRY BE BACK SOON"..........OH MY GOD........ so im like.....when is soon?....i look....a corner store...i run to it....ask to use the bathroom....he tells me its broken?it wasnt broken....he just knew i was going to BREAK IT lol....would you let someone WHO RUNS into your store use your toilet?HELLLLLLL NAWWWWW "That guys gonna drop a BOMMMMMB"...thats what i would think?lol get your stinky ass out of my store...go crap somewhere else....is bascially what he said....so im like running around her complex...i go and sit in my car....breathing breathing...in and out in and out...counting to ten.....singing....trying to keep my A$$ together....i couldnt take it anymore...i had to go....so i go behind her apartment....i squat down....."Should i do it?" i thought?.....urrrrgggghhh just pull my pants down and crap outside?.....what if someone see's me?i cant hold it.....SOMEONE COMES AROUND THE CORNER....i pull my pants up.....i never started crapping yet....ITS THE MAINTENANCE MAN...he asks..."what are you doing?"....Im thinking....Dude...if you only knew lol....so he just stands there...and im like please please leave..in my head....he doesnt leave...so im like so i run around the other side of the complex....right beside the pool is a bathroom....im running towards it.....BAMMMMMMM i start dropping the mushy mushys....i make it to the toilet but only HALF on time...i do the my best to clean up with what i had....AND THEN DOVE IN THE POOL lol........so i get out...take my pants off...and put them in the back of my car...im only in my boxers....i go back into the pool...stay for about 20 minutes....getting real clean lol..sorry to whoever swam in that pool that day lol..im going to hell i know it....so she comes home and is like come inside..come inside....im like naw....."Lets just go"...so she gets in the car....I roll down all the windows BLAST the music...and hop on the Sam Houston Tollway....so we're driving...and all of a sudden i look over at her and shes like......turns down the radio...and is like....."Dooooooood.....did you step in ****?....and why are you all weird acting....and why do you only have your boxers on...and why did you go in the pool...we were supposed to go out and eat....where are your pants?".....and i was like "NOOOOOOOOO"...as she was reaching to the back hatch part....all of a sudden she turned and said.....and for everyone who knows Spanish...she said....."Otra Vez Guero?You Sh!T your pants again?"....lmao...I was laughing so hard......My stomach hurt,I was trying to appologize....lol...I felt like jumping out of the car...we were doing like 90...lol...she started punching me in the arms.......lol...CHINGA TU MADRE CABRON....how can you Sh!t your pants.....going on and on....lol........it hasnt happened since...and i dont know why i reached my late teens and early 20's...and still managed to Sh!t myself...but hey....LIFES a B!tch lol

~VanCity Invader Style~ I4 powered and im still running with the big dogs!
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Posted:Nov 9 2002, 11:01 AM
hahahaah I still cant get over it lolol


~VanCity Invader Style~ I4 powered and im still running with the big dogs!
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Posted:Nov 9 2002, 11:02 AM
haahaha i found more from dash lol

THIS IS EVEN WWWWWWWORSE.....so the other day...a friend and I....we recently became new friends....so we've been doing the male bonding thing....DRINKING....stumbling around at 5a.m saying things like...."you know what p!sses me off?"....or...."Naw I really don't like Bacon....."?....."yeah I fish Sometimes"...."Naw I never saw that Movie"......"hey man can i bum another Smoke"...lol.....so anyways....i met him and his girlfriend at the pool at my complex....she's really cool...and suprisingly...SHE LIKES ME....WELL not suprisingly...but usually girlfriends dont take well to their boyfriends new friends....especially when their boyfriends new friend has been on the couch for close to two weeks....and has spent more time getting drunk with her boyfriend than she does....anyways....Monday night we drank a half gallon of Gordon's lime Vodka,we have pretty much been bonding over every flavor of Smirnoff,and every 5th that costs 9.99, SoCo,Bacardi,take your pick...we've bonded over it...and have become pretty good friends in the month and a half of knowing each other...well anyways...the other night...i didnt plan on getting as twisted as i did...i was just drinking...unfortunatelt it was one of those days that my body decided to quit on me...to make a long story short.....I WOKE UP....3 in the afternoon..STILL DRUNK...i was MESSY....i hear...Cmon get up...we're going to get some eats...the sun will make you feel better...we're going to Carl's Junior Too...so you can get something to eat....i get in the back seat of a Jeep Cherokee....Im chillen...laying down....listening to Ludacris Word of Mouf....half sleeping....feeling ok.....but twisted....so im laying there...i notice we stop......im like half sleeping....someone says something to me....i nod off to sleep....well i wake up....im the only one in the car....sweating bullets....in a parking lot outside Ross clothing store....i wake up...sit up....everything starts spinning.....i look outside...."Whoa....that girl is pretty"....Oh Crap....im gonna puke....so i get out.....BEEEEP BEEEP BEEEP the alarm goes off....im staggering into Ross.....everyone is moving slow and it seems like i am the only one who is moving fast.....it felt like one of those weird drug scenes in the movies.....i get to the back...."hey....hey....wheres....the bathroom".....excuse me....hey...the lady says...."we dont have one...its out of order.,
Im thinking im gonna puke......this girl is looking at me and says....are you ok?...im like....NOOOOOOOOO ....i start sweating.....crap im in the back of the store..what am i going to do.......i start looking for something to throw up in....NOTHING around.....it comes up......i hold my mouth....it sprays out of the sides....this girl is looking at me like ....im looking at her like all of a sudden ......right into one of those caddys that you carry around cleanser and stuff in....the one that maids and janitors use...onto the register....on the floor....on my friends keys......on the girl......i look at her.....SHE THROWS UP....i run out of the store........smash into the door on my way out....run into my friend.....who i say....."Dude I just puked Ross Clothing store".....his g/f dies laughing....helps me into the car...we speed off.....and i wont go into that Ross again....but on a lighter note.....i ended up feeling sick enough to go to the hospital....and i found out what my suspicions were all along.....its not that i am a wussy when it come to alcohol....but i got some tests done.....and i had food poisoning.....and this goes out to everyone.....dont eat 4 of those hotdogs that they sell you outside of WalMart....you will get sick and throw up on a pretty girl like i did.....

~VanCity Invader Style~ I4 powered and im still running with the big dogs!
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Posted:Nov 9 2002, 11:21 AM
looks like vans started up his own little post whore shop! biggrin.gif ive not read them all yet, the first one when you shit your pants!!! laugh.gif ive done similiar. i was farting, and i forcedit. well i forced to much, and crapped a turd in my pants! it was sick. im sure yours was a hell of alot worse though! lol

Brandon ph34r.gif

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Posted:Nov 9 2002, 11:25 AM
hahaha nice u shat ur pants to lol.



~VanCity Invader Style~ I4 powered and im still running with the big dogs!
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Posted:Nov 9 2002, 11:57 AM
lmfao brilliant stories van....

laugh.gif laugh.gif laugh.gif
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  Posted:Nov 9 2002, 12:06 PM
Oh dude thanx for sharing that man
but i still dont know why

Way too much info laugh.gif

Personally i prefer to insert my nitrous {N20}
rectally for the addded head buzz and long lasting effect

Forum Junkie
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Posted:Nov 9 2002, 12:09 PM
it was dash


~VanCity Invader Style~ I4 powered and im still running with the big dogs!
KLZE next year????
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Posted:Nov 9 2002, 09:40 PM
Thats no what I heard from mx6.com wink.gif

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  Posted:Nov 11 2002, 06:00 PM
i heard it was Van! tongue.gif

Personally i prefer to insert my nitrous {N20}
rectally for the addded head buzz and long lasting effect

Forum Junkie
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Posted:Nov 12 2002, 11:03 AM



mad.gif mad.gif


~VanCity Invader Style~ I4 powered and im still running with the big dogs!
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Posted:Nov 12 2002, 04:27 PM
bro thats gross,
skitties i understand but to drop it in your pants lmao
thats incredible

"Peaknhard Bro, PEAKnhard"
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