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Profile Stats
Profile Details
Profile Hits: 2062
Drivetrain Class: FWD
Engine Class: 4 Cylinder Naturally Aspirated
Rating: average rating is 2 from 3 Votes  (2)
Profile Rankings
Profile Hits
Ranking: 151/356 151 / 356
Drivetrain Class HP
Ranking: 54/79 54 / 79
Drivetrain Class Qtr Mile
Ranking: 32/32 32 / 32
Engine Class HP
Ranking: 15/36 15 / 36
Engine Class Qtr Mile
Ranking: 16/16 16 / 16

General Information Car Directory
Member: 90_seca_sx
Vehicle: 1990 Toyota Corolla SX ( More )
Location: Australia
Last Updated: 30th September, 2003
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90_seca_sx's Comments:

This is one very well built, and reliable car that sticks to the road like glue

Modification Listing
Engine Work:

Bored from 1.6 Lt to 1.8 Lt

Exhaust System:

Genie Extractors

Rolling Stock:

15"X7" O.Z wheels with Pirelli P5000 rubber

Stereo System:

Pioneer Super Tuner with 6 stacker and 2 12" Pioneer VCCS subs

Performance Statistics Top Rankings
Power Output: 134 wheel hp
Torque: 146 Nm
0 - 100km/hr: 9.5
Quarter Mile: 22

Performance Comments:

These figures are the manfacturers claim. What these figures would be now, I don't know.

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Readers Comments
Posted by: mx68u on November 10, 2003 [ Car Profile ]

Nice ride man, id say a stock 100kw SX would go down the quarter in under 22 seconds tho smile.gif at any rate keep up the good work

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