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Drag Racing, Being Chased By People Stories
The Evil One
Group: ATFC Moderator
Posts: 223
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Posted:May 14 2003, 02:48 AM
Put Your Best Drag Racing/Being Chased By People Stories In Here.

Winning or Losing, Doesn't Matter, As Long As It Gave You An Adrenaline Rush.

hey mick its jay ere my best drag race was on new years eve
2000. It was bout 4 in the morning in the streets of the bustling city of shepparton. We were stopped at a set of traffic lights when another corty pulled up beside us and revved his motor well 2 cut a long story short when the lights changed we both took off wheels screeching both going as fast as we could . i remember looking at the speedo we were pulling 140 down the main drag of shep( crazy huh ). neways the lights changed ahead of us and we both slammed on the brakes and came 2 a hell of a quick stop. The crazy thing is the other corty driver wanted 2 go again so we did this time it was not quite as quick . we were both even all the way thru both drags so there was no real winner or loser just a heck of a rush doing that speed in the main drag and getting away with it was good enuff.

My Drag Racing Story.....Gotta Think of One....ok here's one.

I was in my ol' 2L Cortina and i pulled up next to a nice lowered XF Falcon. As the lights went green I gunned it I was level with it up until 140km/h then i stopped dragging cos I only had retreads on my car and I didn't feel like dying at the time, maybe some other time but not that time.

Big big adrenaline rush and its all fun.

ok Mick, heres mine, quite a funny one too......
it was a late saturday afternoon (or early nite, cant really remember), anyways, I pulled up at the lights, and what ya know, theres a VN sittin there, (pizza delivery guy), anyways, Jay was giving him @#%$, sayin that he was a woose and that he was scared of being beaten by a sheila, then I turned the beats down, and I heard him say that he'd neva stand a chance, then I leaned forward and said 'c'mon, its only a fuckin 6', well, that was all he needed to get him going....
next thing I am sitting there I slightly rev the motor, he revs his, the lights turn green, I put my foot almost flat to the floor, dump the clutch, and I'm off, wheels spinning, get her up to about 40 or so, then double clutch, dump the clutch yet again, she starts spinning yet again, anyways, about a K down the road, I've beaten him, game over......
2 weeks later (the corty was very rare where this happened), we seen him delivering yeta another pizza on another saturday arfternoon, and the only thing I hear, is, 'she's a good fuckin driver.'

Ok i got a bit of a funny one even tho ive only had me license a month. 'bout a week of having my license this guy from school had this EF Fairmont Ghia 6 banger, anyway me and me mate Alec were at BP, so was he, so when i pulled out he was stopped at the lights right at the front and all i saw next to hims was "Space reserved for luke" so i thought "might as well" so as i pulled up beside him i gave it a rev he reved back lights went green and then about 300m down the road his car made the worse noises, now if you have ever heard the song WIPE OUT, you know the one where it larfs the surfin song, well the only way i can describe about the noise his car made was that bubbling, popping noise at the start. anyways, he pulled over into a bus stop about 10m away from a connecting road on the dual carraige way. So i got to the next lights and threw a u-ie came back and gunned it round this connecting bit, smoked it up goin past him,
patted my car on the dash and said "Gee I thought my car would be the one to screw up" being the 1971 XY with stock standard 6.

I have plenty but heres a funny one.

Sitting @ the lights in my car. I hear "your cars a piece of @#%$ mate". I look across to see a black HSV 300kw Commodore. I slowly drive off when the lights hit green up to the next set of lights.

This time I stalled up right on the histall (3500rpm). I could hear the HSV revving (manual). Lights go green. I blew it off by 2-3 car lengths.

We pull up at the next set of lights. I wind my window down and yell back "Who's cars a piece of @#%$ now!" Then smile and slowly drive off around the corner.

Good to know a 27yo car 28yo in 2003 still blows off $65,000 worth of HSV junk. For if only he'd built an XB he'd have had $45,000 change


Haha, Wicked Brenden, thats a good one.

anyone else wanna add to this?

Amatures You never run on the street for more than 400m for a start. Secondly you don't run if theres cars infront! That's just crazy. Think and look ahead is what you have to do.

I've street raced and track raced for 10 years. If I make a mistake and die I'll die doing what I love to do. That is race my car. So be it. I can be sure as hell though that I wouldn't hit a car infront as there wouldn't be one.

To give you some sort of idea. Before I even race I go over the car. An average track night + maintenance costs me $400. The car has to track straight and the frontend and front tyres have to be spot on. Rear tyres if they blow? Won't matter in a rear wheel drive car. The car will still go down the street-1/4 mile straight.

As for the Accord driver. 19 what can I say. Most P Platers think they are race car drivers.

A bloke I know purchase an R33 skyline $15,000. After 3 months of owning it he'd spent $9000 fixing it as he couldn't control it. His car sold the car for $15,000. So he lost $9,000 in 3 months.

The old saying "ban low performance drivers not high performance cars".

I personally think all P platers should be restricted to a cyl non turbo. Hey I managed to do my fair share of driveline damage when I had an N/A 4cyl. The progress to higher output engines if the needs still there.

My brother inlaws a classic case of the need for speed. Purchased himself a $45,000 VY SS ute. Upped the rearwheel power by a whole 25kw and lost it into a pole under hard accel. Car had 2500k's on it.

Yet he's own a Kingswood powered by a 253, a 308 and a 350 Chev. Just all three of those engines never had as much power or the gear ratios.


One reason why he lost it in his Ute i reckon, Power to weight ratio. Utes have a light rear compared to a kingswood which is like 1400-1500 kgs distributed fairly evenly over the entire car.

i was the proud owner of an xa gt, anyway on the way home from adelaide i was going to fast and missed the turnoff to snowtown , anyway i finished up in kadina and driving past a phone box i hung my arse out the factory sunroof at some bloke in a phone box , to cut a long story short the next thing i know this 18 wheeler was up my arse and very angry at the dork who just gave him a brown eye, let me tell you those things are not speed limited especially when the driver is pissed off, anyway he was on my arse for many miles and i had to hide in port pirrie to avoid being beaten to a pulp, i would expect, then i got this brilliant idea about how in the movies you can just pull off the road at 100 mile an hour and just skid a bit and then its ok, how wrong was i, i saw a sign saying parking bay 200 metres ,unfortunately i turned just after the sign and not where the the road was, hence i hit an embankment and flew through the air for about 10 seconds and wrote off the front of the gt next day i went to have a look in daylight and i hade jumped a culvert about 5 metres wide, youd think i would learn from that but no i tried to do trip from cowell to whyalla in 30 minutes, about 105 km,unfortunately with bald back tires i hit a shiney spot and spun the gt at 170 km/hr, luckilly for me it stayed on the bitumen and when i stopped pooing myself i drove the rest of the way home at about 60 kays, @#%$ ther good fun but jesus they will kill you,

lmfao. spin out at 170km/h? @#%$, thats some scary @#%$. but for the story about being chased by a truckie, i have a recent story that happened about 2 days ago.

my g/f got a ride with her friends b/f's mate in his torana. to cut a long story short, on the way to picking them up, this truckie was waeving in and out of traffic and this mate of his boxed this truckie in, but not on purpose, so what happens next? the truckie rams his perfectly straight torana and when they pull up to the lights this truckie gets out, so my g/f's friends b/f picks up this baseball bat and the truckie quicksmart gets back into the truck.

so i'd say thats some scary @#%$ there too.

I've never really been challenged a race off the strip, apart from one time where I'd just got the car back from rebuild, a mate in his EL wanted a go. No problems, foot hard on brake, stalled it up to 2400rpm, lights go green. Both cars spinning hard off the line...in the end, the green machine came out first by 6 car lengths in the space of about 800m. So much for running in periods.

WHOHOO ... got my opens today ... as much as it would matter to me anyway
... and 96 in the ash tray!
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