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Profile Stats
Profile Details
Profile Hits: 306
Drivetrain Class: RWD
Engine Class: 6 Cylinder Naturally Aspirated
Rating: average rating is 1 from 1 Votes  (1)

General Information Car Directory
Member: vnsrock
Vehicle: 1989 Holden Commodore VN ( More )
Location: australia
Last Updated: 22nd April, 2005
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vnsrock's Comments:

God created Shit, and Ford put wheels on it :)

Modification Listing
Exhaust System:

2&1/2 inch catback exhaust

Performance Statistics Top Rankings
Power Output: 168 wheel hp
0 - 100km/hr: 7.7
Quarter Mile: 15.3

Performance Comments:

Im not sure aboutsome of these figures (all but horses, and 1/4 mile time)

Photo Album Members Gallery

i dont have any good pics yet, i will get some though

if you can beat a Holden, you driving a Porsche
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