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Profile Stats
Profile Details
Profile Hits: 1580
Drivetrain Class: RWD
Engine Class: 8 Cylinder Naturally Aspirated
Rating: average rating is 2.33 from 6 Votes  (2.33)
Profile Rankings
Profile Hits
Ranking: 199/356 199 / 356

General Information Car Directory
Member: peterpilot
Vehicle: 1977 Holden Torana SS Hatchback ( More )
Location: Australia
Last Updated: 2nd December, 2004
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peterpilot's Comments:

This is "Mandy", my Mandarin Red 1977 Holden Torana LX SS Hatchback 5.0 Litre V8. She is stock except for wheels and rear spoiler. The engine is the original 308 V8 motor fitted since new. She is original and unrestored.

Modification Listing

The rear spoiler is not standard, and will eventually go.

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